600 South Fourth Street, Stoughton WI (608) 873-3379 [email protected]
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Winter Energy Assistance
Energy assistance is available to help you with your winter heating bills.
Paperless E-Billing is secure, convenient, and environmentally friendly.
Start New Service
Moving? Find information on starting and ending utility service.
Lights Out? Let Us Know!
If you lose power, call us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at (608) 873-9322.
Energy Assistance Appointments Available
Apply for energy assistance right here in Stoughton! The Energy Services team will be in town for energy assistance appointments on Thursday, February 27, 2025 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Each appointment takes just 15 minutes and will be held right here in Stoughton so you can skip the drive to Madison ...
Help Keep Fire Hydrants Clear
Help protect your home and neighborhood by clearing around fire hydrants after every snowfall.

Blocked hydrants mean slower response to extinguishing fires which can result in catastrophic consequences if fire fighters have to spend time locating a buried hydrant and / or clear snow away from it, especially if the snow is heavily compacted from snow plowing.

If you have a fire hydrant adjacent to your home or business, please clear all the snow at least three feet around it on all sides after each and every snowfall ...
Seasonal Energy Assistance Information
For some customers, including seniors on fixed incomes, energy expenses can be a financial burden. Many here in our community cannot afford the energy to meet their basic needs.

Wisconsin's Home Energy Assistance Program (WHEAP) provides for assistance with heating costs, electric costs (regardless of heat source), and energy crisis situations. Energy assistance is a one-time benefit payment provided to income qualifying residents during the winter heating season (October 1 through May 15). The amount of the energy assistance benefit varies according to household size, income level, and household energy costs.

Click here to apply for Home Energy Plus online.

Stoughton Utilities customers living in Dane County can also call (608) 267-8601 to schedule an appointment to apply for assistance. For additional information on how to apply for energy assistance, please call toll-free 1-866-HEATWIS (1-866-432-8947) ...