600 South Fourth Street, Stoughton WI (608) 873-3379 [email protected]
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Nights & Weekends Smart Plan
Watch the Clock and Save money!
Did you know that you may be able to save money simply by using electricity at the right time of day? Our optional Nights & Weekends Smart Plan enables you to take advantage of lower electric rates during the 'off-peak' hours: late in the evening, overnight and all weekend. 'Off-peak' hours are those when overall demand for electricity is at its lowest. Yet these same hours may be a convenient time to heat your water, run your clothes dryer, cool your home and use other large electric appliances.

Is this option right for you? On average, customers who use at least 65 percent of their monthly electricity during off-peak hours will save money on the Nights & Weekends Smart Plan.

Check out the Nights & Weekends Smart Plan Pricing Calculator at the bottom of the page to determine if this option is right for you.

Nights & Weekends Smart Plan pricing may save you money
Pricing Plan Schedule
With the Nights & Weekends Smart Plan, you pay less during off-peak hours. Nights & Weekends Smart Plan gives you the opportunity to manage your own energy costs. To maximize your savings, adjust your lifestyle and daily schedule to shift your energy use to the following times:
  • Before 8:00 a.m. Monday - Friday
  • After 8:00 p.m. Monday - Friday
  • All day Saturday and Sunday
  • Major holidays, including New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day.

Maximize your savings by using this Nights & Weekends Smart Plan checklist
How It Works
We can offer you lower electric rates during off-peak hours because our costs as a utility are typically lower at those times. During times of high demand for electricity, we usually pay more for power, because we need to use more expensive power supply resources. During off-peak hours, we can supply power to all our customers more effectively. The Nights & Weekends Smart Plan rewards you with a discount for helping to spread the demand for electricity more evenly over each 24-hour period.

Although you'll earn a discount for using electricity during off-peak hours, you will pay a higher rate for the electricity you use during on-peak hours. Overall, you will save money if the Nights & Weekends Smart Plan is right for you.

Here is a comparison of electric rates under the optional Nights & Weekends Smart Plan versus standard rates:

With Nights & Weekends Smart Plan Pricing
  • Off-peak rate: $0.0780 per kilowatt-hour
  • On-peak rate: $0.1720 per kilowatt-hour
Without Nights & Weekends Smart Plan Pricing
  • RG-1 Standard rate: $0.1140 cents per kilowatt-hour
Participation is Simple
There is no cost to sign up for the Nights & Weekends Smart Plan. We will need to replace your current electric meter with a special time-of-use meter; this new meter will be installed at no expense to you.

You can withdraw from this optional pricing plan after one full year of participation, if you wish. We do require that you remain on the Nights & Weekends Smart Plan for a minimum of one year so that you can properly assess your savings and attempt to adjust your energy consumption habits accordingly.

Your monthly electric bill will give you details about your usage during off-peak versus on-peak hours.
Is the Smart Plan Right for You?
Participation in the Nights & Weekends Smart Plan is optional and does not involve any enrollment costs. You will be required to remain on the plan for one full year from the date of enrollment. If you wish to return to the standard residential rate option, you may do so without penalty at any time after one year.

View our Information Nights & Weekends Smart Plan Informational Form to learn more about the Nights & Weekends Smart Plan, and to read about common household lifestyles and how they might benefit.

How much would you save? Add your monthly usage (found on your billing statement) below to determine your potential savings.
Monthly Usage:    kWh        Update
Change in Consumption Habit: 
Standard Cost:*
Smart Plan Cost: 
No change, you continue to use electricity as usual**
You'll pay an additional $4.72
You shift 10% of your on-peak energy use to off-peak
You'll save an estimated $2.33
You shift 15% of your on-peak energy use to off-peak
You'll save an estimated $5.85
You shift 20% of your on-peak energy use to off-peak
You'll save an estimated $9.38
* Using standard RG-1 rate classification.
** A typical customer uses about 45% of their total electric use during on-peak hours.
Enroll today
To get started, simply contact us to enroll! You can also Application download and print an enrollment form, and return it to us, postage paid.