Lead is a naturally occurring metal that can be toxic to humans and animals if ingested. It can be found in the air, soil, water, and inside of our homes.
Lead has been used in many products found around the home in the form of paint, ceramics, plumbing materials, gasoline, batteries, and cosmetics. When lead is released into the air, it can travel long distances before settling to the ground.
Although the majority of lead exposure comes from sources around the home and in the environment, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that between 10 - 20% of lead exposure comes from drinking water.
Stoughton’s water does not have lead present when it leaves our wells and our water mains do not contain lead. Stoughton's water distribution system does not contain any lead pipes.
However, water can be contaminated as it travels through interior plumbing components that contain lead.
There are a number of factors that can contribute to the amount of lead that enters your drinking water, including the corosivity of the water, the temperature of the water as it passes through the pipes,
and the length of time between water use while the water remains idle in the pipes. Hot water and water that has been sitting in the pipes for long periods of time are more likely to pick up contaminants from the pipes and fixtures.
In 2021, Stoughton Utilities completed our efforts to replace all of the water service lines in the City of Stoughton that were known to be lead. This effort began
following water testing that indicated some homes had elevated levels of lead in their drinking water.
Stoughton Utilities worked with the Stoughton Utilities Committee and the Stoughton City Council to
enact an ordinance that declares lead service lines to be a
public nuisance, and mandates the replacement of all public and privately-owned lead service lines. This ordinance applies to all lead service lines that were known at the time of
its creation, as well as any service lines that are found to be lead during future road reconstruction projects or other excavations.
Stoughton Utilities also worked closely with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to obtain grant funding to replace all known lead service lines. This grant was
awarded to Stoughton, and allowed us to replace all private lead service lines in the city at no cost to individual homeowners.
Ahead of the replacement project, Stoughton Utilities initiated efforts to create a thorough service line inventory as we attempted to identify potential lead service lines. Service line
material identification efforts included excavations in street terraces and customer's lawns, in-home inspections, construction record reviews, collection of photographs submitted by
property owners, and more.
Following a competitive bid, Stoughton Utilities awarded the service line replacement project to
Five Star Energy Services.
Construction efforts to replace all of the known lead service lines in the city began in April 2021. Water service lines were replaced at 703 homes and businesses in 2021, including 653
private lines and 340 public lines, making Stoughton's water distribution system completely lead free. This large-scale project affected neighborhoods throughout the city, and
concluded ahead of schedule on October 21, 2021.
Although all of the known lead service lines in the city have been replaced, some homes could still have internal plumbing components that contain lead, including pipe fittings, solder, and fixtures.
Despite our best efforts to locate and identify all lead service lines in the city, there remains a potential that additional lead service lines may be discovered in the future during road
reconstruction or other public or private excavation projects. Any lead service lines discovered will be required to be replaced
per city ordinance.
Public lead service lines will be replaced by Stoughton Utilities. Private lead service lines will be required to be replaced by homeowners at their expense using a
private plumbing contractor.
Some materials in your home’s interior plumbing, including pipes, solder, and fixtures, could contain traces of lead. Stoughton’s water does not have lead present when
it leaves our wells, but it can become contaminated as it travels through these plumbing materials.
Due to changes in laws pertaining to plumbing materials, homes that
were built prior to 1986 are more likely to have plumbing components that contain high levels of lead. Plumbing fixtures produced before 2013 may also contain higher
levels of lead.
When your water sits for long periods of time inside water pipes and fixtures containing lead, some of this lead can dissolve into the water. There are a number of steps
you can take to ensure that your water remains safe to drink.
Clean Faucet Aerators
Faucet aerators are placed on faucets to help filter out larger particles that can make their way into your drinking water from sediment in the distribution system or from
your interior plumbing materials corroding over time. Small lead particles could be present. Cleaning your faucet aerators regularly is important to remove these particles from
your drinking water.
Flush your indoor plumbing
After having the lead service line replaced at your home, small amounts of lead from your old service line may have entered the pipes in your house. To remove this lead, you
should flush your home’s plumbing thoroughly starting in the basement and working up through the home. Make sure to use cold water only.
Check your plumbing fixtures
Certified lead free fixtures will include a certification mark either on the packaging or engraved into the fixture. Visit
for more information on lead free certification. Replace fixtures that are not lead free certified with new fixtures manufactured after 2013.
Contact a plumber
A certified plumber can help you determine if any of your home’s fixtures, pipe fittings, or solder contain lead and if they should be replaced with lead free materials.
Have your water tested
You can request a test kit to have the water at your home tested for contaminants, including lead. Please contact one of the certified laboratories below to request your test kit.
• Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene
(800) 442-4618
• Northern Lake Service, Inc.
(715) 478-2777