600 South Fourth Street, Stoughton WI (608) 873-3379 [email protected]
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Billing & Collection Policies
Access to Public Records
Pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes 19.34 and Article VII of the Stoughton Municipal Code:
Wisconsin State Law and the Stoughton Municipal Code requires each City entity authority to adopt, prominently display, and make available for inspection and copying at its offices, for the guidance of the public, a notice containing the description of its organization and the established times and places at which, the legal custodian of public records from whom, and the methods whereby, the public may obtain information and access to records in its custody, make request for records, or obtain copies of records, and the costs thereof. Except as otherwise provided by law, any requester has the right to inspect any record or document maintained by this authority.

Legal Custodian: The legal custodian of documents for Stoughton Utilities is the Stoughton City Clerk.

Time and Place for Access: The public may obtain information and access to records, make requests for records, or obtain copies of records in custody of this authority at the following places and times: Stoughton City Hall during established business hours.

Copies and Fees: Any requester has the right to make or receive a copy of the records which appears in written form. The record custodian has responsibility in determining how a record will be copied. A fee may be imposted to cover actual, necessary, and direct costs of reproduction and transcription of a record, or photographing processing.

Please note: Pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes 196.137, all customer records are exempt from the open records requirements and are not subject to inspection or copying as described above. Stoughton Utilities is prohibited from releasing any customer information without consent of the customer, to any person, with the exceptions of:
  1. Agents, vendors, partners, or affiliates of the utility that are engaged in services or functions on the utility's behalf;
  2. Transmission and distribution utilities and operators within the geographic service territory;
  3. The commission, or any person whom the commission authorizes by order or rule;
  4. Past-due tenant notifications to rental dwelling owners;
  5. Any other persons otherwise authorized by law to receive the customer information.
AutoPay - Bank ACH / Credit Card
Dependable, easy, secure and convenient: save time and stamps, and write fewer checks by automatically making your utility payment directly from your checking account, or your credit or debit card. Each month on the due-date listed on your billing statement, Stoughton Utilities will automatically withdraw your amount due from your bank account or will initiate a credit transaction to your credit or debit card. By signing up for automatic payment withdrawal, you preauthorize regularly scheduled payments to be debited to your utility account. Proof of payment will appear on your bank statement issued by your financial institution.

To take advantage of this service, please login to My Account, or contact us today.
Bill Payment Assistance
For some customers, including seniors on fixed incomes, energy expenses can be a financial burden. In fact, there are those right here in our community who cannot afford the energy to meet their basic needs. For those who cannot afford such an expense, this can lead to difficult decisions about how to allocate their limited resources. Our local Energy Assistance Program is designed to help income-qualifying households cover their energy costs and reduce the financial burden that they face. If you believe you or someone you know may qualify, we encourage you to establish your income eligibility through the federally funded Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). To learn more about the LIHEAP application process, contact Dane County Human Services at (608) 242-6200. If approved for LIHEAP, you will receive more information about your eligibility for our Energy Assistance Program at that time.

Our Energy Assistance Program is funded with the portion of Commitment to Community dollars specifically set aside for income-qualifying individuals and families.

Visit our Energy Assistance page for more information on this, and other programs.
Billing Definitions
Customer charge: A charge for electric service that covers a portion of the costs for electric meters, meter reading and billing.

Demand: The rate at which electric energy is delivered to or used by a customer expressed in kilowatts at a given instant or averaged over a designated period of time, usually 15 minutes.

Demand charge: A charge for electric service provided designed to recover the capacity (kW) costs of the wholesale electric supplier .

Demand rate: A method of charging for electricity where the rate of electric usage (kW) during the billing period is considered in determining a portion of the customer’s bill.

Distribution demand: Highest demand over the current month or preceding 11 months.

Distribution demand charge: Designed to recover costs of infrastructure needed to deliver electricity from wholesale delivery point to customer’s service entrance.

Energy: When used in the billing context, generally refers to kilowatt-hours.

Energy charge: The portion of the electric service based on electric energy (kWh) consumed

Flat rate: The price charged per kWh is constant, does not change based on time of day.

Kilowatt: Measure of electric power equal to 1,000 watts. One kilowatt (kW) equals 1.34 horsepower.

Kilowatt-hour: Basic unit for measuring electric energy. Equal to one kilowatt of power supplied or consumed for one hour.

Late payment charge: Charge that covers administrative and carrying costs of late payments.

Off-Peak period: Periods of relatively low system demand, including nights and evenings, weekends, and holidays.

On-Peak period: Periods of relatively high system demand. Time-of-use customers have the choice of 7am-7pm, 8am-8pm, or 9am-9pm.

Power Cost Adjustment Clause (PCAC): Charge per kWh that varies monthly. Designed to make wholesale power costs a pass-through cost to customer. Equivalent to the amount current per-unit cost of wholesale power is greater or less than base per-unit cost of power.

Single-phase service: Service where the facility has two energized wires coming into it. Typically serves 120/240 volt services and requires simpler infrastructure to support. Is less expensive to install and maintain.

Three-phase service: Service where the facility has three energized wires coming into it. Requires more sophisticated equipment and tends to be more expensive to install and maintain.

Time-of-use rate: Prices for electricity that vary depending on what time of day the customer uses electricity. Designed to reflect the different cost the utility incurs to provide electricity during on-peak and off-peak periods.
Billing Dispute Procedures
First contact us to try to solve the problem. If you are behind on your bill, we may offer you an installment plan to pay your bill over time. If we cannot resolve your issue, you may call the Wisconsin Public Service Commission at (608) 266-2001 or (800) 225-7729. While the PSC reviews your dispute, you must still promptly pay any charges not in dispute.

For a copy of all rules concerning utility customers, write to:
    Document Sales
    P.O. Box 7840
    Madison, WI 53707
Billing Due Dates
Your billing due date is listed on the bottom payment stub section of your monthly billing statement. All customer bills are due on the 28th of each month; should the 28th fall on a weekend or a holiday, your payment will be due on the following business day. We will always provide at least 20 days to pay a bill before it is considered past-due. Your billing due date cannot be changed.

A late fee of one percent of the total amount due will be assessed monthly if prompt payment is not received at our office on or before the due date. Pursuant to Subsection 113.0406(6) of the Public Service Commission, the Stoughton Utilities will not remove properly applied penalties. Mail service, customer vacations, or other circumstances related to the customers are not suitable justifications for the removal of penalties. Penalties will only be removed if a customer payment was applied incorrectly, the customer is able to prove with a Stoughton Utilities issued receipt that a payment was lost by SU staff, a billing statement was issued late due to internal SU delays, a billing statement was issued in the wrong amount and needed to be corrected and reissued, or if a customer has entered into a Deferred Payment Agreement.
Budget Billing Plan
How would you like to manage high winter or summer electric bills and always know what your monthly bill will be, even months beforehand? Stoughton Utilities offers a budget payment plan under which the customer pays equal monthly payments based on the estimated consumption and estimated applicable rates for the year. The amount is subject to change twice a year, with the new payment amount going into effect with the January and July billing statements, in order to reflect current circumstances and average usage.

The budget billing plan is available to all residential electric customers, regardless of account age or current balance. If your account is currently delinquent, your monthly payment will be adjusted above your monthly average to pay off any arrears in a timely manner.

If your monthly budget payment is not received prior to the due date, notice will be provided on your next month's billing statement, and you may receive a notice of pending disconnection. If the missed payment is not received prior to the next due date, you will be permanently removed from the program, and may not be eligible for reenrollment.

If you would like more information on the budget billing plan, would like to know what your estimated payment would be, or would like to enroll, please login to My Account, or contact us.
Changing Your Mailing Address
We know that our customers may want their utility bill sent to an address that is different than their service address. Customers can update their mailing address online by logging in to My Account, or by contacting us.

NOTE: Remember to change the address back to the service address when you return!
Closing Your Account
If you are establishing service at a new address, you must complete an application for service. This application can be returned via email, fax, or mail, or completed in person at our office during regular business hours, or at the Stoughton Police Department dispatch window anytime 24-hours a day, 7-days a week including holidays. A copy or picture of a valid government issued photo ID (driver's license, passport, ID card, military ID, etc.) for the primary applicant must be included with the completed application for service.

If you are unsure whether an address is in Stoughton Utilities' service territory, please contact us.

If you are a current SU customer and are closing your account at an existing address, you can schedule a final reading by contacting us or by logging in to My Account. If you are moving within the city and also need to start service at a different address, you must complete an application for service as detailed above.

All meter readings to start/stop service are completed daily at 7:00 a.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Please provide us with at least one business day's advance notice.
Collection of Closed Accounts
On the date an account is closed, SU will issue a final billing statement to the customer by United States Postal Service (USPS) to any forwarding address on file. If the final billing statement is returned by the USPS as undeliverable, SU will make one attempt to remail the final billing statement either to the service address, or to the forwarding address if one is provided by USPS.

If the customer is a tenant and the property owner has requested account notifications, a notice to the property owner will be mailed on the same day indicating that the account has been closed, as well as listing any final balance owed. If a realtor or title company has requested the final balance be reported to be paid at closing, it will be provided to them on the same day as issuance. Any previously collected deposit will be applied towards the final balance owed, with the remaining deposit either transferred to the new account, or refunded by check within 14 days.

If there is a credit balance on the account, a refund check will be mailed to the forwarding address on file within 30 days.

If a balance is due on the account, the customer shall have in all cases a minimum of 20 days to make payment. If the account remains unpaid after the due date listed on the final billing statement, a past-due notice will be mailed to the customer as a reminder. Interest shall continue to accrue on all unpaid balances at an annual rate of 12%, and shall not be reversed for any reason other than billing errors.

If the account remains unpaid, Stoughton Utilities will consider the following to determine which avenues to pursue for collection of the past due account.
  1. Size of account balance.
  2. Number of days past-due.
  3. Is the property address in the City or Rural?
  4. Customer's ability to pay.
  5. Has the customer moved back to our service territory?
After analyzing the account, the Collections Technician will use one or more of the following to pursue collection.
  1. Register the account with the Wisconsin Department of Revenue's Tax Refund Intercept Program (TRIP). Customers will receive a warning notification by mail upon TRIP submission, and shall have ten days to appeal the debt.
  2. Register the account with the Wisconsin Department of Revenue's State Debt Collection Initiative (SDC). Customers will receive a warning notification by mail 30 days prior to SDC submission. Additional fees of the greater of $35.00 or 15% of the balance will be assessed by the DOR.

    Collection action may include any of the following: Interception of income tax refunds, garnishment of wages or other compensation, seizure or levey against personal property or bank accounts, or delinquent tax warrants filed with the Wisconsin Court System.
  3. File a petition for small claims court action, and seek garnishment of wages.
If Stoughton Utilities has been notified that the closed account was a tenant, and we have received written notice from the landlord of their desire to receive account status updates, the property owner will be mailed a listing of all their closed tenant accounts that have remaining balances on a monthly basis.

On the first business day of each month, Stoughton Utilities shall review and transfer any delinquent balances for closed accounts to the same customer's active account, should one exist. If that customer is currently a tenant in a property within the City limits that is owned by a party that did not own their prior residence, the balance shall not be transferred due to tax-roll restrictions, however collection actions up to and including service disconnection will be taken at the new address.

If an account remains unpaid as of October 1 of each year, it will be placed as a lien upon the property on the annual property tax roll. A letter notifying the current property owner of this action will be mailed on October 15 of each year. In all cases, the property owner shall have until November 1 to make payment without additional penalty. If payment is not received, on November 2 a 10% penalty shall be applied to the account. If the account still remains unpaid as of November 15, it shall be submitted to the City Finance Director for inclusion on the annual property tax roll.
Customer Deposits - Commercial
Stoughton Utilities (SU) shall require a cash deposit as a condition for allnew commercial customer accounts when the customer has negative or no commercial payment history with SU. SU will consider proof of established credit in lieu of a deposit.

Commercial deposits shall not be waived for any reason. Residential waivers, including low income or AutoPay enrollment do not apply to commercial accounts.

For existing commercial customers, Stoughton Utilities shall require a cash deposit as a condition of continuation of service if any of the following circumstances apply.
  1. The customer's service has been disconnected within the last 12-month period for non-payment or violation of SU's utility rules and regulations.
  2. The customer's initial application for service was falsified.
  3. The customer has the ability to pay, but accrues a balance over the winter months that is 80 days or more past due.
  4. The customer has not made prompt payment of all bills within the last 24 months.
For deposits required on new accounts, SU will use consumption data from a similar existing business to determine a reasonable deposit amount. If after 12 months of service, the deposit amount is greater than necessary based on actual consumption, the customer may request a refund of the difference between the amounts.

For existing customers, the amount of deposit required shall generally be equal to 2 months average bills over the previous 12-month period. For deposits required due to winter non-payment, the deposit shall equal 4 months average bills over the previous 12-month period.

If a customer meets any deposit requirement criteria after a deposit has already been calculated for a previous qualifying circumstance (but prior to any of the events mandating a refund) the deposit shall be recalculated using the specification above. If the new amount is higher than the previous amount on file, the customer shall have 30 days to make up the difference. If the new amount is lower than the previously collected amount on file, the original deposit amount shall stand as is. The time period after which a refund shall be given will start from the date of the new calculation.

Deposits shall accrue interest from the date a deposit is made to the date it is applied to an account balance or is refunded. SU uses the annual interest rate determined by the Public Service Commission for calculating payable interest.

If SU deducts an arrearage from a customer deposit, we shall require the customer to bring the deposit up to its original amount, and that amount shall be held for 24 months.

SU shall refund the deposit of a customer, less any customer balance outstanding, for any of the following reasons.
  • The customer makes 24 consecutive prompt payments.
  • Upon termination of service and after satisfying all arrearages. If the account is reopened at a different address, the deposit shall be transferred.
If a commercial customer is listed as a tenant on their billed unit, SU shall inform the property owner in writing of any changes in deposit status, including refunds or new requests.
Customer Deposits - Residential
Stoughton Utilities (SU) will not require a cash deposit as a condition of new residential service unless we can prove that the customer has an outstanding balance with another Wisconsin electric utility.

For existing residential customers, Stoughton Utilities shall require a cash deposit as a condition of continuation of service if any of the following circumstances apply:
  1. The customer's service has been disconnected within the last 12-month period for non-payment or violation of SU's utility rules and regulations.
  2. The customer's initial application for service was falsified.
  3. The customer has the ability to pay, but accrues a balance over the winter disconnection moratorium that is 80 days or more past due.
  4. A new customer accrues charges that become 60 or more days past due within the first 8 months of service.
A deposit under this section shall be waived if the customer provides complete and accurate information showing that his/her gross (before any deductions) quarterly income is at or below 200% of the federal income poverty guidelines. A customer must provide this information each time a deposit is requested; e.g., if we waived a deposit for service disconnection in May of 2010, we can again request a deposit for disconnection in August of 2010 or for winter non-payment in 2011, and the customer will need to provide proof of income for the quarter preceding the most recent request.

Stoughton Utilities uses Energy Assistance eligibility as the preferred method of determining if the customer is eligible for a deposit waiver. If the customer qualified for Energy Assistance during the current heating season (defined as September through May), SU will waive any pending deposit request, and refund any deposit already collected. If SU has reason to suspect that the customer's income may have changed since the most recent Energy Assistance approval, additional information may be required from the customer.

When checking a customer's proof of quarterly income, the following may be required from the customer:
  • Pay stubs/statements/checks or 1099G , or if self-employed, their most recent 1040 including schedule C, E, or Form 1065 or personal records of income and expenses, or if farm-income, their most recent 1040 including schedule F or personal records of income and expenses;
  • Any land contract income;
  • Any rental income receipts or records;
  • Any SS or SSI benefits;
  • Pension check stubs or statements;
  • Veteran's benefits stubs or statements;
  • Unemployment compensations records;
  • Disability, tribal, or worker's compensations records;
  • Child support payment stubs, checks, or statements;
  • TANF/W2 stubs or statements;
  • Any seasonal employment stubs or statements.
Since Badgercare and other health insurance programs have varying requirements that sometimes differ from the federal poverty guidelines, as well as the fact that any such programs may not base their acceptance upon the most recent quarterly income, an acceptance card shall not be considered proof of quarterly income. A deposit under this section shall be waived if the customer opts to enroll in our AutoPay program, using either a checking account or a credit/debit card account. Prior to enrollment, the customer shall be notified that if they cancel enrollment, or if a withdrawal is refused by the bank for any reason, their enrollment shall be terminated and the deposit due immediately. AutoPay enrollment provides a one-time waiver, and there shall be no second chances given.If the customer enrolls in AutoPay, enrollment will take effect immediately, and any current balance will be deducted on the next due date. For example, if we waive a deposit in March and the customer has a delinquent balance, AutoPay will deduct the full balance on March 28. AutoPay withdrawal will supersede any previously established Deferred Payment Agreement (DPA). This is by design. SU is only waiving the deposit due to the AutoPay guarantee of timely payment.The amount of deposit required shall generally be equal to 2 months average bills over the previous 12-month period. For deposits required for winter non-payment the deposit shall equal 4 months average bills over the previous 12-month period.If a customer again meets any deposit criteria set forth after a deposit has already been calculated for a previous qualifying circumstance (but prior to any of the events mandating a refund) the deposit shall be recalculated using the specification above. If the new amount is higher than the previous amount on file, the customer shall have 30 days to make up the difference. If the new amount is lower than the previously collected amount on file, the original deposit amount shall stand as is. The time period specified for refund will start from the date of the new calculation.Deposits shall accrue interest from the date a deposit is made to the date it is applied to an account balance or is refunded. SU uses the annual interest rate determined by the Public Service Commission for calculating payable interest.If SU deducts an arrearage from a customer deposit, we shall require the customer to bring the deposit up to its original amount, and that amount shall be held for 12 months.SU will refund the deposit of a customer for any of the following reasons:
  • The customer makes 12 consecutive prompt payments.
  • Upon termination of service and after satisfying all arrearages. If the account is reopened at a different address, the deposit shall be transferred.
Refunds will be made by check, less any account balance outstanding.
Customer Incentive Programs
In an attempt to promote energy conservation, Stoughton Utilities is proud to offer numerous incentive programs to our customers. For a listing of available incentives, please select from the following:
Death of an Account Holder
If a Stoughton Utilities customer passes away, their utility account will remain active and unchanged until we receive a request to close the account. We encourage a representative for the estate to contact us immediately to discuss the account status and make plans for the account and property moving forward.

Stoughton Utilities does not receive automatic notifications of death and will not make any changes to the decedent's utility account without a request from a representative for the estate, notification from the property owner if the customer was a tenant, or other authorized party.

All utility accounts that are in arrears will be subject to disconnection of service. To update or change billing information for a deceased account holder, a representative for the estate should contact us as soon as possible. We can add a representative's name to the account as a secondary party and update the mailing address, or we can transfer service into the name of a representative or an estate. If you would like to change the name on an account after the account holder has passed away, please complete an application for new residential service and return it to our office with a copy or picture of your photo ID.

If the utility account is on AutoPay , Stoughton Utilities will continue to process payments for the full amount due each month on the due date, unless we are notified to change the AutoPay account information or end enrollment. Some financial institutions may automatically close or freeze the deceased's accounts, however we are not notified when this occurs until after an AutoPay withdrawal has been rejected by the bank. Fees may be assessed to a utility account if any payment, including autopay withdrawal, is returned by the financial institution. A representative for the customer's estate should contact us as soon as possible to find out if the account is enrolled in AutoPay and to discuss next steps. Scheduled AutoPay transactions are typically sent to the customers' banks on or after the 27th of each month.

If a property is to remain vacant following the death of the owner, we recommend that the property be winterized to protect from frozen pipes. Stoughton Utilities will shut the water off at the street upon request; a reconnection fees may be assessed when service is restored.
Deferred Payment Agreements
If you're having trouble paying your bill in full, you can request a deferred payment agreement to receive additional time to fulfill your payment obligation. Any deferred payment agreement must be negotiated in such a way that it is acceptable to both parties, and a down-payment will be required at the time of negotiation. Deferred payment agreements will only be offered to residential customers; no payment agreements shall be offered or given to non-residential accounts, including commercial, income/rental, or industrial properties.

A down-payment is required to be paid at the time the payment agreement is created.
  • If this is your first payment agreement, the down-payment will be a minimum of one-third the delinquent balance.
  • If you have previously defaulted on a payment agreement, a larger down-payment will be required, and will be a minimum of one-half the delinquent balance.
The remaining balance must be paid in installments no less than monthly, and must be paid in full within a set period of time.
  • If this is your first payment agreement, your payments will be deferred up to 90 days, depending upon the size of the delinquent balance.
  • If you have previously defaulted on a payment agreement, your payments will be deferred up to 60 days, depending upon the size of the delinquent balance and the number of prior payment agreements in default.
At our discretion, depending upon the time of year or a customer's specific circumstances, SU can require down-payments greater than one-half, up to 80% of the past-due balance, and can also require that the delinquent balance be settled anywhere between 10 and 90 days of the date the agreement is created.

An agreement will be considered in default and cancelled if any of the following occur:
  • the deferred payment is not paid by the scheduled date
  • the deferred payment is less than the agreed upon amount
  • the current monthly bill is not paid in full by the due-date shown on the billing statement
  • any payment is returned / declined by the bank for any reason.
If the customer defaults on the agreement, the agreement becomes void and the full past-due balance is due immediately. Default may result in the denial of any future deferred payment agreements.

If any payment made by the customer is refused by the bank for any reason, any deferred payment agreements held by the customer will immediately be considered in default. All future payments made by the customer must be made by cash or money-order for a period of 6-months.

In special circumstances, we may also direct you to a community action agency that may be able to provide low-income energy assistance and financial counseling.

An deferred payment agreement only protects the customer from disconnection of service for the delinquent balance at the time of creation, and only through the extended date. All current billed charges must be paid in full by the listed due-date, otherwise any prior deferred payment arrangement will be considered void.

Additional rules for tenants:
Stoughton Utilities' rate tariffs prohibit staff from offering deferred payment agreements to any tenant customer that meets one or more of the following criteria:
  1. The residential tenant has greater than $100 of account arrearages that are more than 90 days past due.
  2. The tenant has defaulted on a deferred payment agreement in the past 12 months.
  3. The residential tenant is responsible for account arrearages that were placed on any property owner’s tax bill in the utility’s service territory in the past 24 months.
  4. The residential tenant has a balance that accrued during the winter moratorium that is more than 80 days past due.
If a tenant customer meets any of the above criteria, they are subject to disconnection for any delinquent balance, and no deferred payment agreements will be offered.
Diggers Hotline
Digging near underground power lines, gas pipelines and other utilities can be deadly. Before you dig, call Diggers Hotline. One call to Diggers Hotline alerts most major utilities (including Stoughton Utilities), and if there are utility lines near the work site you specify, the company will mark their locations for you. State law requires you to notify owners and operators of underground facilities at least three working days before you dig.

CALL DIGGERS HOTLINE AT: 811 or at (800) 242-8511
Disconnection of Service
Stoughton Utilities will always mail you a warning notice at least ten days before your service is disconnected.

This notice will include:
  • Reason for the disconnection
  • Date when service is scheduled for disconnection
  • How to contact the utility about the disconnection
This notice will always be sent to your home or
mailing address at least ten days before the scheduled service disconnection. A notice will also be posted at the service address if it is not the same as your home or mailing address. If a property is a residential rental property and bills are paid by the landlord, all tenants will be notified five days prior to any scheduled disconnection.

The utility is also required to attempt to contact you by phone or in person before service is disconnected. SU will make an automated call to the phone number on file one day prior to any service disconnection. Between April and October, SU will make an additional automated phone call to the phone number on file two days prior to any service disconnection. If no phone number is on file, SU will deliver a printed tag to the address the day prior to any service disconnection.

If service is not shut off within 20 days after the notice is mailed, the utility will leave a new, posted notice at the site 24-48 hours before service is disconnected.

To avoid disconnection, any past-due balances or deposits must either be paid in full, or the customer must have entered into a Deferred Payment Agreement.

If your service is disconnected, a reconnection fee will apply, and must be paid prior to reconnection of service.

Your service cannot be shut off if:
  • You fail to pay for merchandise or nonutility service,
  • You fail to pay an account with a different class of service
Your service can be shut off if:
  • You fail to pay your bills,
  • You fail to pay installments as agreed,
  • You fail to post required deposits,
  • A prior customer living at your address has an unpaid bill,
  • You fail to pay the utilities' cost for collecting an overdue bill,
  • You tamper with your meter,
  • There is a safety hazard.
Wisconsin Public Service Commission rules allow a utility to transfer a landlord's unpaid bill from a rental residential property to the office or home of the landlord or property manager. If the bill continues to go unpaid, service can be shut off at the landlord's or property manager's office or home.

Stoughton Utilities field technicians are prohibited from accepting any form of payment in the field. If anyone claiming to be from Stoughton Utilities visits your home or business and threatens disconnection if they are not paid on the spot, please contact the police department immediately.
Drinking Water FAQ
What is the hardness of the Stoughton’s water?
Stoughton’s water is 18.0 grains of hardness.

How much iron is in Stoughton’s water?
The average iron content in our water supply is 0.17 parts per million (ppm). This amount will vary between 0.00 ppm and 0.26 ppm based on your location within the city.

What is the PH level of Stoughton’s water?
The PH level of the water supply ranges from 7.4 – 8.5.

What is added to Stoughton’s drinking water?
Stoughton Utilities disinfects our water with chlorine, which is a step in the water treatment and distribution process to assure the biological safety of water. We add different amounts of chlorine throughout the year to help combat possible contaminants that may become problematic in water with the elevated temperatures.

Stoughton Utilities fluoridates the water that leaves our wells. Fluoridated water keeps teeth strong and reduces cavities by about 25% in children and adults.
Community water fluoridation is recommended by nearly all public health, medical, and dental organizations. It is recommended by the American Dental Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, US Public Health Service, and World Health Organization.

Why does my drinking water taste like chlorine?
Stoughton Utilities voluntarily began disinfecting water at all three of our production wells in 1980. Disinfection now occurs at all four of our production wells as a requirement of state and federal regulatory agencies. It is important to emphasize that the disinfectant we use is commonly used throughout the water industry and our use is strictly monitored and poses no health risks. Trace amounts of this disinfectant are typically unnoticeable, but all of our senses are different. If you are able to notice the taste in the public water supply, you can place the drinking water in a pitcher, as the disinfectant will volatilize and leave the drinking water in short time.

Do I have to worry about lead in Stoughton’s water?
Lead is unusual among drinking water contaminants; it seldom occurs naturally in water supplies like rivers and lakes. Lead enters drinking water primarily as a result of the corrosion, or wearing away, of materials containing lead in the water distribution system and household plumbing. Stoughton Utilities tests our water regularly for numerous water contaminants, including lead. In one round of testing in 2014, Stoughton Utilities found elevated levels of lead in the drinking water of some homes and buildings that exceeded the federal lead standard. All testing since then has shown levels below the standard.

If you would like your home's water tested, you can call the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene at (800) 442-4618 or Northern Lake Service, Inc. at (715) 478-2777 and request a test kit. All costs associated with testing are the responsibility of the homeowner.

The portion of a home's water service lateral from the shutoff valve located in the public right-of-way is privately owned and maintained by the homeowner. If your home has a lead service line entering the home, Stoughton Utilities encourages you to have it replaced. Whenever possible, Stoughton Utilities will also replace at the same time the publicly-owned portion of the water service lateral between the shutoff valve and the water main if it is also a lead service. Contact us for more information.

Annual Drinking Water Quality Report
Stoughton Utilities issues an annual report describing the quality of your drinking water. The purpose of this report is to raise your understanding of drinking water sources and its potential contaminates. This report provides an overview of last year’s drinking water quality. Click here to view the most recent quality report.

If you would like any additional information regarding our water supply, please contact us.
Energy Assistance Programs
For some customers, including seniors on fixed incomes, energy expenses can be a financial burden. Many here in our community cannot afford the energy to meet their basic needs.

Wisconsin's Home Energy Assistance Program (WHEAP) provides for assistance with heating costs, electric costs, and energy crisis situations. This program is operated by local social and human services, and is available to income-qualified households. Energy assistance is a one-time payment each heating season (October 1 through May 15). The amount of the energy assistance benefit varies according to household size, income level, and household energy costs.

Eligibility is determined by Energy Services, Inc. using criteria established through WHEAP. For information on how to apply for energy assistance, please call toll-free 1-866-HEATWIS (1-866-432-8947). Call to schedule an appointment as early in the season as possible since slots fill quickly. You may apply anytime during the heating season, from October 1 through May 15.

For 2024-25, energy assistance income guidelines are as follows:
Household Size
One Month Household Income
Household Size
One Month Household Income
Historic Energy Reports
Are you moving? Before you buy a home or rent an apartment, contact us first and we can tell you how much energy was used at the addresses you are considering during the previous 12 months, as well as the highest and lowest billed amounts.

For home budgeting and tax reporting, our current customers can always access My Account online to get information on your past consumption, payments, and billing statements.
Late Payment Penalties
A late fee of one percent of the total amount due will be assessed monthly if prompt payment is not received at our office on or before the due date.

In accordance with the rules set forth by the Wisconsin Public Service Commission (PSC) in Chapter PSC 113, subsection 113.0406(1)(i)(6) of the Wisconsin Administrative Code, Stoughton Utilities will not remove any properly applied late payment penalty. Mail service (including postal delays or lost mail), customer vacations, or other circumstances unrelated to the utility's actions are not suitable justifications for the removal of penalties.

Late payment penalties will only be removed if a customer payment was applied incorrectly by SU, the customer is able to prove with a SU issued receipt that a payment was lost or mishandled by SU staff, a billing statement was issued late due to internal SU delays, a billing statement was issued in the wrong amount and needed to be corrected and reissued, or if a customer has entered into a Deferred Payment Agreement.

Your billing due date is listed on the bottom payment stub section of your monthly billing statement. All customer bills are due on the 28th of each month; should the 28th fall on a weekend or a holiday, your payment will be due on the following business day. We will always provide at least 20 days to pay a bill before it is considered past-due. Your billing due date cannot be changed.
Loss of Electric Power?
Report all power outages or other service interruptions to us 24 hours a day, seven days a week at (608) 873-9322.

Although we try to provide uninterrupted electrical service, circumstances beyond our control can cause electrical power failures. It is important for the utility to be informed when electrical service is interrupted. Please call us if you feel it is the Utilities' system problem or have questions when outages do occur. Answers to the following questions will aid us in determining the cause for the interruption.

  1. Is there no power or partial power?
  2. Do neighbors have full power, partial power, or no power?
  3. Have circuit breakers/fuses been checked? (Turn "off' and "on" to reset or replace blown fuse.)
  4. Was there a loud noise outside? (A transformer fuse may have "blown")
  5. Is there arcing/sparking on wires?
  6. Had the lights been flickering before going out?
  7. Is there a wire or wires broken on the utilities system? (Stay away front broken or down wires)

When calling our business office, questions similar to those above will be discussed. Your help in providing us with the details will aid us in restoring electrical service quickly and safely.

For more information, please visit our Storm & Outage Center.
Medical Needs Customers
If you use medical equipment that requires electricity, and if a loss of power would be life threatening, please contact us to obtain a Medical Needs form that you can have your doctor complete and sign. If a form is on file, your account will be noted, and extra attention will be placed on your residence during an outage.

Please note: Submitting this form does not grant a customer the ability to not pay for electric service. If a customer's account is past-due and a medical needs form is submitted prior to disconnection, a one-time extension of 21-days will be granted for the customer to come up with funds and/or make alternate arrangements. If the account remains past-due at the end of that extension, service disconnection may occur and no further extensions will be granted.
Meter Reading
Our friendly, courteous meter technicians read all of our customer's meters on a monthly basis using our automated meter reading system. All meter readings are transmitted electronically to a mobile collection point, and our crews do not visit each meter on foot. Meters are not estimated unless we are unable to obtain an electronic reading due to equipment malfunction. When this occurs, your meter(s) will be replaced. Due to the nature of a computerized meter reading system, all meter readings are read accurately the first time with no possibility of entry or human error.

If you are moving in or out of your residence, we will perform a final reading for your account at your request. All meter readings to start/stop service are completed daily at 7:00 a.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Please provide us with at least one business day's advance notice.

Monthly Billing Statements
You will be sent a monthly billing statement about every 28-31 days. These statements will always be issued on or before the 8th of the month, and will always be due on or after the 28th. To avoid a late payment charge or shut-off notice, you must pay your bill in full by the date printed on your payment stub.
If you are establishing service at a new address, you must complete an application for service. This application can be returned via email, fax, or mail, or completed in person at our office during regular business hours, or at the Stoughton Police Department dispatch window anytime 24-hours a day, 7-days a week including holidays. A copy or picture of a valid government issued photo ID (driver's license, passport, ID card, military ID, etc.) for the primary applicant must be included with the completed application for service.

If you are unsure whether an address is in Stoughton Utilities' service territory, please contact us.

If you are a current SU customer and are closing your account at an existing address, you can schedule a final reading by contacting us or by logging in to My Account. If you are moving within the city and also need to start service at a different address, you must complete an application for service as detailed above.

All meter readings to start/stop service are completed daily at 7:00 a.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Please provide us with at least one business day's advance notice.
Nights & Weekends Smart Plan
Did you know that you may be able to save money simply by using electricity at the right time of day? Our optional Nights & Weekends Smart Plan enables you to take advantage of lower electric rates during the ‘off-peak’ hours: late in the evening, overnight, and all weekend.

‘Off-peak’ hours are those when overall demand for electricity is at its lowest. Although general electric use is low during these hours, it may be a convenient time for you to heat your water, run your clothes dryer, cool your home, use other large electric appliances, and charge your electric vehicle.

Is this option right for you? On average, customers who use at least 65 percent of their monthly electricity during off-peak hours will save money on the Nights & Weekends Smart Plan.

Visit our Nights & Weekends Smart Plan page to learn more, download informational materials, and enroll your account.
Outdoor Water Use
When using water outdoors for watering lawns and gardens or refilling your pool, please keep in mind that Stoughton Utilities does not offer sewer or wastewater billing credits unless you have already installed a secondary "water-only" meter to measure the usage that goes only to your outside faucets.

To have a water-only meter, you will first need to work with a plumber to complete in-house piping revisions to create a separate water line to your outside faucets and/or sprinkler system. Once that is complete, Stoughton Utilities will physically install a second meter in your home. Your primary meter will measure all water consumed inside the home, and standard wastewater charges will apply to its measured usage. The second meter will only measure all water consumed outside the home, and wastewater charges will not apply since it's known that this water is not going down the drain. Water-only meters must remain in place throughout the year, and must be installed for a minimum of 12-months.

In addition to your plumbing costs, Stoughton Utilities charges a one-time installation fee of $40.00 to set and activate the second meter. After that, there is a $10.15 monthly charge that is in addition to your current monthly charges, and any metered usage is billed at $3.55 per every 1,000 gallons of water used.

Who will benefit?
You must consume at least 23,000 gallons of water annually through your outside faucets and/or sprinkler systems in order to offset the additional monthly charges and therefore benefit from a water-only meter. Below are a few simplified scenarios in which a customer would benefit:
  • You have a pool with a water capacity in excess of 23,000 gallons and you drain and refill it at least annually, or you have a smaller pool that you occasionally refill or top off.
  • You frequently water your lawn, running sprinklers for at least an approximate average of 21 minutes per day (approximately 222 gallons) between Memorial Day and mid-September.
  • You have large areas of landscaping and gardens that are frequently watered with similar amounts as listed above.
  • You have a construction or other business and frequently fill tanks with water for use outdoors or offsite.
  • Or any combination of the above
Paperless E-Billing
To provide residents with increased flexibility and convenience, customers can now sign up for paperless E-Billing to begin receiving their monthly Stoughton Utilities billing statement electronically. This option is safe and secure, and saves time and money by ensuring that there is no statement to get lost in the mail.

Each month, rather than mail a paper statement, we will send you an email notice when your new billing statement has been posted. You can then just click on the link provided in the email to log into My Account and view your statement online, as well as any mailing insert that may have been included. Your online electronic statement is an exact duplicate of what would have been sent as a paper bill.

Per Wisconsin Public Service Commission regulations, all notices of account delinquency and/or pending service disconnection will continue to be sent via physical USPS postal mail.

To enroll, log in to My Account and select Start/Stop E-Billing from the menu.
PCAC - Power Cost Adjustment Clause
What is the PCAC?
The PCAC stands for Power Cost Adjustment Clause, and is a monthly billing item applied uniformly to all customers. The PCAC can be either a charge or a credit on the billing statement, and is applied to your total energy usage (kWh).

Why do we have a PCAC?
Stoughton Utilities purchases wholesale power on a month-to-month basis, and the cost can be very different from one month to the next. Because electric rates are fixed by law, SU has to sell electricity to retail customers at a fixed retail rate regardless of actual wholesale cost. If the wholesale cost of electricity changes and the retail rate is fixed, the difference between the two represents a profit or a loss to the utility.

Because Stoughton Utilities is a community-owned, not-for-profit utility, we are not allowed by law to keep any profits, and it is also recognized that it is not good for the community if SU operates at a loss. The Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSC) therefore requires by law that SU utilizes a way to balance the profit and loss of the monthly wholesale cost against the fixed retail rates. This is the PCAC.

Some utilities have a different name for it, such as the Fuel Cost Adjustment (FCA), since changing fuel costs are one of the main reasons that the price of wholesale energy changes every month. Regardless of the name, it amounts to the same thing: a line item on your bill that changes every month and is linked to your energy usage.

Why does the PCAC change every month?
The PCAC is affected by the wholesale cost of energy. Here are some examples of things that change the cost of wholesale electricity:

Weather: Wholesale electricity is mainly purchased through long-term agreements that assume summers will be hot and winters will be cold. Because energy cannot be stored, it has to be scheduled and bought in advance. If a summer is cooler than expected, fewer people will be using their air conditioners, meaning the energy was reserved and purchased was not consumed. If a summer is warmer, not enough energy may have been purchased, causing the utility to have to purchase more energy on the market at higher costs.

The same scenarios can also occur with winter temperatures, since electricity is required for furnaces and space heaters.

Fuel Costs: The cost of wholesale electricity depends largely on how the generators are powered. The least expensive generators are those that use nuclear energy and hydroelectric (water-driven) energy. Generators that burn natural gas and coal are a little more expensive. The least economical type of generation is anything that is powered by gasoline or diesel fuel, and these generators are usually only used in emergency situations.

When system demand increases, sometimes it is necessary to run higher-cost generators. As with any commodity, fuel pricing is impacted by supply and demand. When demand for coal or natural gas is high, the costs to run power generation plants may increase. Also as demand for a commodity increases, so do the costs to transport that commodity. When any of these things occur, the extra costs are added into the cost of the wholesale energy that is billed to the utility.

Unplanned Events: Unexpected events can interrupt the generation or transportation of electricity. Past examples in Wisconsin include a severe storm that damaged a main transmission line, unscheduled maintenance on a reactor cooling line that required taking a nuclear power plant out of service, and damage to the fins on a steam turbine that required taking a coal power plant out of service for repairs. When unscheduled events like these happen, arrangements for short-term wholesale power purchases must be made. Buying energy on the wholesale market without advance arrangements is much more expensive, and the additional costs are added into the cost of the wholesale energy that is billed to the utility.

What can I do about my PCAC costs?
The Wisconsin PSC requires the PCAC be based on each utility customer's total energy usage (kWh). This ensures all utility customers equally share any extra cost or benefit resulting from higher or lower wholesale energy costs. Because the PCAC is applied to the amount of electricity you consume, using less energy every month will reduce the impact of the PCAC on your monthly bill.

What can the utility do about PCAC costs?
The PCAC is directly linked to the cost of wholesale energy, which generally increases as inflation drives operational, fuel, and transportation costs higher over time. Stoughton Utilities periodically adjusts the fixed retail rates to account for changes in wholesale energy costs, as well as cost recovery of infrastructure and services. When a rate adjustment occurs, the PCAC becomes much closer to zero, and becomes only a very small amount on the billing statement. These periodic rate adjustments can make your monthly bills much more predictable.
Project RoundUP
When a Stoughton Utilities customer enrolls in the voluntary Project roundUP, their utility bill will "round up" to the next highest dollar amount. This small tax-deductible contribution may seem like only pennies a month to you, but the total community contribution adds up quickly due to the hundreds of participants. A summary of the tax-deductible contribution for the past year will be mailed separate from your utility bill each January. The average contribution per program participant is just $6.00 per year, however an estimated $3,000 is raised annually and awarded by the Stoughton Utilities Committee to local community service organizations biannually.

Customers can learn more at our Project RoundUP page, or can opt-in or out of the program quickly and easily by logging to My Account.
Prosecution of Worthless Checks
Stoughton Utilities will utilize the following ordinance to have the City of Stoughton prosecute customers who write worthless (NSF, stopped-payment, etc.) checks:


     (a)  Whoever issues any check or other order for the payment of money less that $1000.00 which, at the time of issuance, he or she intends shall not be paid is guilty of a violation of this ordinance and the penalties for such actions are set forth in Section 25.04(5).

     (b)  Any of the following is prima facie evidence that the person at the time he or she issued the check or other order for the payment of money, intended it should not be paid:
  1. Proof that, at the time of issuance, the person did not have an account with the drawee; or
  2. Proof that, at the time of issuance, the person did not have sufficient funds or credit with the drawee and that the person failed within 5 days after receiving notice of non-payment or dishonor o pay the check or other order; or
  3. Proof that, when presentation was made within a reasonable time, the person did not have sufficient funds or credit with the drawee and the person failed within five days after receiving notice of nonpayment or dishonor to pay the check or other order.
In the event that a worthless check is presented to Stoughton Utilities, SU shall file the necessary paperwork with the Stoughton Police Department, and send a certified letter to the drawee indicating that if the worthless check and service fee are not paid within five days of the receipt of notice, they will be prosecuted utilizing this ordinance.

Stoughton Utilities will be represented by the City Attorney in Municipal Court; necessary testimony will be given by SU staff.
Reconnection of Service - Summer
Stoughton Utilities is concerned about the health and well being of its customers and their property. Stoughton Utilities requires a responsible adult to be present at the home whenever we perform an electric service reconnection. This is to avoid potentially dangerous situations caused by appliances (an oven or stove, electric heater, hair dryer, etc.) that may have been on at the time service was disconnected, and that could cause a fire if they were to turn back on automatically upon service reconnection.

If electric service has been disconnected for a considerable length of time, we may require an inspection of the structural wiring and electric panel prior to reconnection. This is to ensure that the structure's electrical system remains intact and safe to operate.

If water service has been disconnected for a considerable length of time, we require a responsible adult to be present at the time of reconnection to perform a check of the integrity of the internal plumbing system to ensure no leaks exist.

Extreme Temperatures
The purpose of this policy is to outline hot-weather conditions during which we will not terminate service of residential customers for nonpayment. The intent of stopping disconnection during such periods is to lessen the potential health problems/discomfort of those who would otherwise have been disconnected.

Weather conditions during which disconnections for nonpayment will be suspended:
  • Per PSC 113.0301(16), Stoughton Utilities cannot disconnect electric services in affected counties when a heat advisory, heat warning, or heat emergency issued by the national weather service is in effect.
  • Stoughton Utilities will suspend disconnections for nonpayment whenever the average temperature is predicted to exceed 85° F for a second consecutive day or when the absolute temperature is predicted to be 95° F or above based upon information received from the City of Stoughton Wastewater Treatment Facility.
Stoughton Utilities shall make reasonable attempts to reconnect service to an occupied dwelling that has been disconnected when an occupant states that there is a potential threat to health or life that results from the combination of the heat and loss of service.Stoughton Utilities may require that the occupants produce a licensed physician's statement or notice from a public health, social services, or law enforcement official which identifies the medical emergency for the occupant.

Upon expiration of the heat advisory, heat warning, or heat emergency, Stoughton Utilities may disconnect service to the property that was reconnected during this period without further notice if an appropriate payment arrangement has not been established.
Reconnection of Service - Winter
Stoughton Utilities is concerned about the health and well being of its customers and their property. Stoughton Utilities requires a responsible adult to be present at the home whenever we perform an electric service reconnection. This is to avoid potentially dangerous situations caused by appliances (an oven or stove, electric heater, hair dryer, etc.) that may have been on at the time service was disconnected, and that could cause a fire if they were to turn back on automatically upon service reconnection.

If electric service has been disconnected for a considerable length of time, we may require an inspection of the structural wiring and electric panel prior to reconnection. This is to ensure that the structure's electrical system remains intact and safe to operate.

If water service has been disconnected for a considerable length of time, we require a responsible adult to be present at the time of reconnection to perform a check of the integrity of the internal plumbing system to ensure no leaks exist.

Seasonal Planning
Before winter, a utility must contact customers whose service was shut off for nonpayment of bills. Stoughton Utilities makes a special effort to turn on service before the temperature gets dangerously cold and will work diligently with all disconnected customers to create an acceptable payment arrangement.

Extreme Temperatures
If you know of someone who has no heat, please call Stoughton Utilities immediately. You do not have to give your name. If service is not turned on quickly, call the Wisconsin Public Service Commission at (608) 266-2001 or (800) 225-7729.

Water Service
If a property's electrical service remains disconnected as winter approaches, and the property appears to be vacant, Stoughton Utilities will attempt to disconnect the water service to the property to avoid frozen and damaged internal plumbing systems.
Renewable Energy
You can contribute to a cleaner environment and sustainable energy future by investing a few dollars every month in our Renewable Energy Program. It doesn’t require new equipment, any changes in how you use or receive energy, or any long-term commitments. What could be simpler?

Best of all, by supporting renewable energy, you can help ensure a good quality of life for your family and your community for generations to come. Every dollar you invest in renewable energy is used to foster the growth of renewable resources.

To get started, just select the number of blocks of renewable energy you wish to purchase. You pay just $2.00 additional per month for each block of renewable energy, the equivalent of 300 kilowatt-hours (kWh).

Customers can learn more about the program at our Renewable Energy page, or can opt-in or out of the program quickly and easily by logging to My Account online.
Sales Tax
Electricity for residential use during the months of November, December, January, February, March and April are exempt from the Wisconsin Sales Tax. Electricity for use in farming is exempt.

The Wisconsin Department of Revenue provides us with the form, "Certificate of Exemption for Electricity and Natural Gas Sold for Residential or Farm Use" S-017 (N.9-79).

When Certificate IS Required: The purchaser must provide the seller with a completed exemption certificate (1) if the purchaser is not classified as a residential or farm customer, or (2) if the electricity is used for partially exempt use.

When Certificate is Not Required: A seller of electricity is not required to obtain an exemption certificate from a purchaser for a sale of electricity if the sale is (1) 100% for exempt use; and (2) to an account which is properly classified as residential/farm.

If an exemption certificate is required, please contact our office to obtain a form and/or assistance in completing it.
Start / Stop SU Billing
If you are establishing service at a new address, you must complete an application for service. This application can be returned via email, fax, or mail, or completed in person at our office during regular business hours, or at the Stoughton Police Department dispatch window anytime 24-hours a day, 7-days a week including holidays. A copy or picture of a valid government issued photo ID (driver's license, passport, ID card, military ID, etc.) for the primary applicant must be included with the completed application for service.

If you are unsure whether an address is in Stoughton Utilities' service territory, please contact us.

If you are a current SU customer and are closing your account at an existing address, you can schedule a final reading by contacting us or by logging in to My Account. If you are moving within the city and also need to start service at a different address, you must complete an application for service as detailed above.

All meter readings to start/stop service are completed daily at 7:00 a.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Please provide us with at least one business day's advance notice.
Street Lighting
Stoughton Utilities owns and maintains all the streetlights within its service territory with the exception of the decorative lights on downtown Main Street. Energy costs to power the lights are paid by the City of Stoughton or applicable township, and funded through property taxes.

Approximately 725 streetlights are installed throughout Stoughton and the surrounding townships. Most are equipped with 250-watt high pressure sodium (HPS) fixtures. In 2015, Stoughton Utilities began to replace its HPS street lighting with energy efficient LED fixtures. This replacement program is ongoing, and will continue until all fixtures have been upgraded.

It is important to note that streetlights are provided solely for the purposes of vehicular and pedestrian safety at intersections, and are not intended to provide uniform lighting of sidewalks or individual properties for security or convenience purposes. Appropriate placement of streetlights is determined by the following criteria:
  • Proximity to street intersections
  • Along horizontal curve points in the street
  • At vertical grade change points in the street gradient
  • Maximum street light separation distances are not to exceed approximately 600 feet
  • placement shall avoid and eliminate redundant street lighting
If you are aware of a streetlight that is not functioning properly, would like to request addition of a new light, or would like to recommend removal of an existing light, please contact us.
Third Party Account Notifications
You can ask us to send a copy of your billing statements or disconnect notices to a relative, guardian or other third party. You can also ask us to contact you when a relative's service is in danger of being disconnected for nonpayment. If you are a landlord, you can request we provide you with the status of your tenant's account delinquencies.
Wastewater / Sewer Billing Credits
When using water outdoors for watering lawns and gardens or refilling your pool, please keep in mind that Stoughton Utilities does not offer sewer or wastewater billing credits unless you have already installed a secondary "water-only" meter to measure the usage that goes only to your outside faucets.

To have a water-only meter, you will first need to work with a plumber to complete in-house piping revisions to create a separate water line to your outside faucets and/or sprinkler system. Once that is complete, Stoughton Utilities will physically install a second meter in your home. Your primary meter will measure all water consumed inside the home, and standard wastewater charges will apply to its measured usage. The second meter will only measure all water consumed outside the home, and wastewater charges will not apply since it's known that this water is not going down the drain. Water-only meters must remain in place throughout the year, and must be installed for a minimum of 12-months.

In addition to your plumbing costs, Stoughton Utilities charges a one-time installation fee of $40.00 to set and activate the second meter. After that, there is a $10.15 monthly charge that is in addition to your current monthly charges, and any metered usage is billed at $3.55 per every 1,000 gallons of water used.

Who will benefit?
You must consume at least 23,000 gallons of water annually through your outside faucets and/or sprinkler systems in order to offset the additional monthly charges and therefore benefit from a water-only meter. Below are a few simplified scenarios in which a customer would benefit:
  • You have a pool with a water capacity in excess of 23,000 gallons and you drain and refill it at least annually, or you have a smaller pool that you occasionally refill or top off.
  • You frequently water your lawn, running sprinklers for at least an approximate average of 21 minutes per day (approximately 222 gallons) between Memorial Day and mid-September.
  • You have large areas of landscaping and gardens that are frequently watered with similar amounts as listed above.
  • You have a construction or other business and frequently fill tanks with water for use outdoors or offsite.
  • Or any combination of the above