600 South Fourth Street, Stoughton WI (608) 873-3379 [email protected]
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Rate Tariffs
Choose from the options below to display the current utility rate schedule for your home. The preselected default options match those of the typical residential property.
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Costs are rising, and unfortunately, that means our utility rates are projected to increase over the next 5 years as well. As your locally-owned public utility, we are working to keep costs as low as possible while also recognizing that our infrastructure continues to require replacement and/or upgrades as it ages.

Click here to see Stoughton Utilities 5-year rate projections and regional cost comparisons.
Hide Electric Rates...
Electric Rates for RG-1 (Residential Service).
Customer Charge: $14.00 per month.
CTC Charge *: $1.24 per month.
Energy Charges:
Energy Charge: $0.1140 per kWh.
PCAC Charge **: Variable.
Hide Water Rates...
Water Rates for 5/8" meter.
Customer Charge: $10.15 per month.
Fire Protection Charge: $8.06 per month.
Volume Charge:
Flat rate: $0.00355 per gallon.
Multifamily- Flat Rate: $0.00272 per gallon.
Hide Wastewater Rates...
Wastewater Rates for 5/8" meter.
Customer Charge: $11.12 per month.
Volume Charge:
Flat rate: $0.00545 per gallon.
Hide Stormwater Rates...
Stormwater Rates:
ERU Charge: $7.01 per month.